13 stringed japanese instrument
13 stringed japanese instrument

13 stringed japanese instrument

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13 stringed japanese instrument

Yoshikawa, “Acoustical classification of woods for string instruments,” J. Yoshikawa, “Measuring the “degree of Asia” of the KID students: From the class of “acoustics of musical instruments”,” Geijutsu Kogaku J. Rossing, “Traditional plucked string instruments from Korea,” Unpublished technical note (2006). Yako, “Timbre of shamisen tone and perception of decay in amplitude envelope: Preliminary study on the relation between timbre and musical structure,” Rep. Woodhouse, “Plucked guitar transients: Comparison of measurements and synthesis,” Acustica/Acta Acustica 90, 945–965 (2004). Part II: Minimum bow force and transients,” Acustica 78, 137–153 (1993). Woodhouse, “On the playability of violins. Kishi, “Structure and examples of played waves of the Satsuma biwa,” Rep. Tohnai, A Sequel to the Research of Japanese Modern Biwas (Kasama Shoin, Tokyo, 1998). Takasawa, “Analysis of samisen’s sounding mechanism by modal analysis approach,” Rep. Tohnai, “Vibro-acoustical measurement of several biwas,” Rep.

13 stringed japanese instrument

Tohnai, “Acoustical analysis on the sawari tone of Chikuzen biwa,” Acoust. Taguti, “One type of nonlinear vibration of string coupled with a resonator of several resonance frequencies,” Rep. Taguti, “Unilateral constraint to the string: A model analysis on the sawari effect of biwa,” Proc. Yoshikawa, “Fundamental aspects of the plucked string vibration with sawari constraint at one end,” J. Schmitz, Satsumabiwa: Die Laute der Samurai und ihre instrumentalen Spielstrücke danpo Untersuchungen zur Musikkultur Japans (Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1994). Reinecke, “Übertragungseigenschaften des Streichinstrumenten-stegs,” Catgut Acoust. Yoshikawa, “Acoustical characteristics of Chinese stringed instruments and their Asian relatives,” J. Odaka, “Chinese traditional musical instruments: Some features and their relationships with music,” J. Norimoto, “Vibrational properties of wood along the grain,” J. Sung, “Acoustical characteristics of the gayageum: A twelve-stringed Korean traditional musical instrument,” Forum Acusticum, Paper MUS-03-006 (Sevilla, 2002).Į. Sung, “A study on the anjok (bridge) of the gayageum using impulse response method,” Proc. Miura, “Sound generation of samisen: Analysis of sound pressure waveform and vibration waveform of skin, bridge, and plectrum,” Rep. Hearmon, “The influence of shear and rotatory inertia on the free flexural vibration of wooden beams,” Brit. Haines, “On musical instrument wood,” Catgut Acoust. Rossing, The Physics of Musical Instruments (2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998), pp. Feng, “Some acoustical measurements on the Chinese musical instrument P’i-P’a,” J. Dekeyser, “Acoustic diffraction effects at the Hellenistic amphitheater of Epidaurus: Seat rows responsible for the marvelous acoustics,” J. Yamaguchi, “Considerations on physical characteristics of samisen tones,” J. Ando, “On the factors for detecting mistuned conditions and guiding their corrections for the koto tuning,” J. Ando, Acoustics of Musical Instruments (2nd ed., Ongaku-no-tomo-sha, Tokyo, 1996), pp. Aizawa, “Frequency dependence of vibration properties of wood in the longitudinal direction,” Master’s Thesis (Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 1998) (in Japanese).

13 stringed japanese instrument