3 minutes) of water through water filter cartridge before use. Once installed the manufacturer recommends flushing 1.5 gallons (approx. Dimensions: 6-3/4"L x 5-1/4"W x 2-1/4"H. Frigidaires WF2CB PureSource2 ice and water filtration system is the replacement filter for part numbers FC-100 or FC100, WF2CB, SWF2CB, NGFC 2000.All filters we carry are NSF approved and of the top quality. Working Pressure: 30 psi min / 100 psi max. Frigidaire Electrolux Genuine OEM WF2CB PureSource 2 Refrigerator Ice & Water Filter.Operating Temperature: 33 degrees F min / 100 degrees F.Recommended replacement every 3-6 months.Slide and Click style water filter cartridge. Keep safe, great tasting water flowing with PureSource 2 water filters - WF2CB reduces up to 99 of contaminants, cuts back on plastic and saves the cost.The water filter typically lasts up to 6 months. Certified to meet NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53. Filters and reduces impurities and odor from the water used for the ice and water dispenser. Frigidaire PureSource 2 is a cassette filter that is designed for use on refrigerators after 2004 with filtration systems located in the front, right top. The EPTWFU01 installs quickly and easily, so maintenance is a breeze.