Let us know (here in the comments or at ) how they work for you, and especially if you find any bugs! You can also try to look up your download link here if you can’t find your original receipt.Filename 1 Nuke! Dasshutsu Game - My Home Hen (Japan) (WiiWare).wad 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (Europe) (WiiWare).wad 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (USA) (WiiWare).wad 1080 Snowboarding (Europe) (N64) (Virtual Console).wad 1080 Snowboarding (Japan) (N64) (Virtual Console).wad 1080 Snowboarding (Korea) (En,Ko) (N64) (Virtual Console).wad 1080 Snowboarding (USA) (N64) (Virtual Console).wad 1942 (Europe) (Arcade) (Virtual Console).wad 1942 (Japan) (Arcade) (Virtual Console).wad 1942 (USA) (Arcade) (Virtual Console).wad 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (Europe) (Demo) (WiiWare).wad 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (Europe) (WiiWare).wad 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (USA) (Demo) (WiiWare).wad 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (USA) (WiiWare).wad 2020 Super Baseball (Europe) (NG) (Virtual Console).wad 2020 Super Baseball (USA) (NG) (Virtual Console).wad 25th Super Mario Bros. The new Win and Mac versions should be there waiting for you, Linux coming soon. Want to try it right now? If you got the game directly from sometime before 2014 or so, and if you can still find your old download link, dust it off and give it a click. We’ll be updating the game everywhere Win / Mac / Linux versions are available in the next few days.It has a bunch of new config vars exposed as well.

So no more editing that file in your Program Files folder. The file is now located wherever your save file is stored.We hope this makes the game more open and friendly to mod. No more encrypted assets or save files.Brought over graphical and UI improvements from releases on other platforms, like Nintendo Switch.Fabulous joke about looking good in hi-def has remained unchanged.But if you still really want the original flavor, there’s a setting to use the original graphics, also included with the game. In a few lucky cases, we still had the original source files and were able to use those. We used a few different high quality upscaling tools to start, and then went over each image by hand, tweaking each image further as needed. The original game ran at 800×600, and the tiny graphic files didn’t scale to huge monitors very gracefully. Game now runs at a hi-def widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio by default.This means the Win / Mac / Linux version should work on modern computers again without freaking out, and you can run the game on modern displays at whatever resolution you want. This is the thing that draws all the graphics onto your screen, and sends all the audio to your speakers, etc.

This is just a gentle remastering we did for fun.

We’re slowly updating the game everywhere it’s currently available over the course of this and next week. Hey old friends, it’s been a long time! We no longer have a 2DBOY blog, so thought I’d post this here – we’ve just updated the Win / Mac / Linux versions of World of Goo for the first time since 2008 or 2009 – and hope you and your modern computers enjoy it!