You need to spend 10k per month on each xenonaut you have.

When you finish building the second base's dropship, transfer some xenonauts (maybe a mix of experienced troops and privates) there. lots of hangars gives them lots of options. every hangar you build and the elevator are enemy spawn points. Any space limitation or need to build buildings despite the above is instantly nullified when the player starts reactivating further bases that already come with all. They enter your base through the parts near the surface, ie the hangars etc. Recruit extra xenonauts with your first base and send them to easy battle. Weapons can also be looted from numerous situations - which is cool as a game concept overall but leaves base building hollow as why would you build a bunch of factories then :) 3. Take a global view with the real-time strategic management layer: you must establish and develop your bases, conduct research, battle for air supremacy and try. Placing a base and building a radar station allow you to track and intercept UFOs across a. Even with the best dropship, you can't expect only one team to get around the globe. Missions range from capturing crashed UFOs or alien bases to defending cities (or even Xenonaut facilities) against alien attack. Xenonauts began life as a reimagining of the classic turn-based strategy game X-COM: UFO Defense.

Originally posted by MiKye200: Well, I have my main base in Europe, with a radar base in Sth Africa and a radar base with three aircraft in Asia. You will be able to manufacture and sell things out. About xenonauts in other bases: You definitely need more than one crew. It revamps the economy and a lot of other stuff.If the funding drop to 0, you will lose that region entirely. The "neglected" regions will give you less and less money over the months, and when you protect them, it will take months until their funding increase to the original amount. I just prefer the classic base building / multi-base route. to discover these moves while still ensuring a good base level of play in. You will have to spend a lot in the first few months to get the bases up and running, but it's worth it. The biggest challenge when building AI for modern strategy games is dealing.Prioritize building radars and hangars, then buy interceptors. A second and third base should be built as soon as possible (preferrably in the second and third month, respectively).